Apr 30, 2011

Our 1st baby picture...

Baby E. doesn't look like much in this picture, but I know he or she will be smiling for the camera in no time

Apr 29, 2011

Thoughts at 8 weeks...

8 weeks down, 32 to go... It seems so far away but December will be here before I know it.
The past 8 weeks have overall been okay except that I could eat an entire Supermarket and still be hungry.

We had our 1st doctors appointment and everything looks good, the baby's heart beats really fast and it could be seen on the ultrasound... I asked the doctor about 90 questions, luckily she was cool with it. She wasn't too cool with the 18 pounds I already gained :(, she suggested I aim for another 20 from now till December. That will be tough with this appetite but I'll try.

Next up....
Telling our mom's on Mother's Day & our 12 week Ultrasound, I can't wait to see if the baby looks like a baby and not a little lump.

Apr 2, 2011

We are having a baby....

Yes, it's true we are having a baby.... Baby Epifania is due to make his or her big debut on December 8th 2011.