Oct 21, 2011

3D Ultrasound

After some deliberating we decided to have the 3D ultrasound done. It was pretty cool seeing the baby move around, sucking his little fingers and his toes. No we have an idea of what he looks like and are even more excited about his arrival.

Oct 20, 2011

I think we need a storage

We are so thankful for all the gifts, we got so many wonderful items that I can't wait for the baby to come.

Here is our baby blanket bin Strollers, Mamaroo chair, and all our bedding
Toys, toys and more toys

Oct 17, 2011

The Baby Shower...

The Baby Shower, ended up being more like a "Baby Hurricane" since we got a TON of gifts but it was beautiful and tons of fun. I really appreciate all the time and effort that went into putting it together and most of all the love shown but all those who attended and those who couldn't be there in person.

Bobby and I are thankful for all the great gifts, we are all set for the arrival of the baby!