Jan 27, 2012

My own Buzz Light Year

Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE disney... when we visited in Aug. last year I made sure Joseph was fully prepared with Disney outfits

Jan 19, 2012

I love those cheeks...

Joseph's cheeks are so big that when he sleeps he gets his lips all squshed...

My little star...

Joseph has been on Good Morning America twice, he's been on Channel 7's website, and now his latest trip to fame... A Disney Website.
Disney began a site dedicated to babies and Joseph is on it, in his VERY CUTE MICKEY outfit...check it out below!!!

Jan 18, 2012

Who does Joseph Look like

Everyone has a different opinion on who does Joseph Look like...
Some say me others say Bobby, but after talking to Susy, we realized who he really looks like LOL

Spanky from the Little Rascals

Jan 17, 2012

Joseph doesn't like to hear himself cry

My mom the other day recorded him crying on her cell phone,
so now we decide to play it and see what happens....

Jan 16, 2012

He's such a mama's boy...

Joseph and I have our little morning routine, we wake up, change diaper, eat if needed, watch the news, and then nap a little more till about 8am... He will sleep for awhile if I am sitting next to him, on this day I kept getting up to do things, WELL Joseph wasn't too happy about that, & on my last attempt to stand up, he made sure he made it impossible for me to get up....

Jan 7, 2012

Now it was Sabrina's turn!!!

Click on the link so you could see Sabrina and Joseph on Good Morning America....

When Sabrina saw Joseph on GMA a month ago she wanted to be on TV too, so being that she was over "babysitting" we thought it would be fun to put her on TV showing off her babysitting skills Enjoy!!!

Your Three Words: 'Don't Make it True': ABCNEWS.COM - Dionne Bromfield provides the music to this week's "Y3W.

Jan 6, 2012

Doctor vist.... #2

Joseph had his 2nd official doctor's appointment. He weighed in at 10 lbs 6 oz and is 22 inches long. He is doing well, a little spoiled but overall well. He doesn't seem to mind the doctor until he gets his shots. He cried like crazy but it's for his own good!

Jan 5, 2012

Just like my mom....

Joseph loves watching Eyewitness news with me at 6am, he is so cute, he literally sits and stares at the screen. Bobby better get use to the news when I go back to work cause Joseph needs to be updated on his current events.

Jan 4, 2012

There's nothing better than waking up to this!!!

Joseph has become Mr. Personality these past few days, every morning he greets me with the biggest smile. I run to grab my cell phone to capture the moment. He's just so sweet.

Jan 1, 2012

Happy 2012!!!!

I wish you all a Happy and healthy 2012... I can't wait to share with you all my 1st events in 2012