Apr 24, 2012

What to do when your babies cries over teething...

Make pretend he's in Club Med!!!!
Joseph loves taking a bath so the other day the cure to his teething issues was a nice long warm bath.
All he needed was a milk drink with an umbrella and he would have been all set!!!

Apr 16, 2012

1st day of DAYCARE....

Today was Joseph's 1st day at Itsy Bitsy. I return to work in June and I wanted to make sure he not only got use to it before I go but if he gets sick, like all daycare kids do, I'd be home with him.
He only went for 3 hours but he loved it. He played, ate and went outside with the other kids!!!
Mommy, went home at 9:30am, didn't cry at all and actually got some things done around the house, the house was very very quiet...

Yummy Yummy, we likes PEAS!!!!

So during Joseph's 4 month visit we got the green light to feed him food... veggies, fruits, etc...
So far so good, peas have been a success!!!

Apr 12, 2012

I think we need a Bumper

so according the American Pediatrics Association, parents should not place bumpers inside the
crib.... SO what do you do when your 4 month old loves getting his thighs stuck between the rails

Apr 8, 2012

Apr 3, 2012

Joseph Meets the Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny went to Itsy Bitsy to visit the kids, even though Joseph has not started daycare yet he had to go with his mommy... since she was the one hopping in that lovely costume!!!

Apr 1, 2012

He loves this silly ball!!!

4 months old.....

Time is flying, Joseph Thomas is 4 months old this month!!!