May 31, 2012

Playing with my friends

Having to return to work is not easy after being out for 7 months, however, I have to be thankful that I work for a company that allows women to spend time with their babies.

  I have 2 consolations about going back to work.... 1 He is more than safe at Itsy Bitsy since abuela and Tita Susy are there, plus another 12 women who love him....  and

 2 HE LOVES IT.  Joseph plays from the moment he arrives, never cries upon arrival and NAPS for 1-2 hours which he doesn't do at home... 

May 29, 2012

Chicken knocked him out

I fed him chicken for the 1st time, and he didn't make it off the high chair.  He was so full, it knocked him out

May 26, 2012

Joseph and The Castellanos Boys

Joseph has lots of friends but Jonathan and Michael are 2 of his favorites.  He loves playing with them even though they are 10 times his age and height LOL

May 20, 2012

Itsy Bitsy Walks for Thomas

We were blessed with a beautiful day for a wonderful cause.  We had a great time in our walk.  So many people showed up to support children with Autism that it was a bit overwhelming but awesome to see how many people are helping in finding out more about this issue.

Joseph enjoyed the activites before the walk, then slept the 1.6 mile walk.

Thomas was very excited to finish the walk

Here is Team Itsy Bitsy Walks for Thomas!

May 18, 2012

Joseph meets his friend Clara at the zoo

Virginia and I decided to meet up before we go back to work... She goes back in a week, me in 2 weeks...  Her baby Clara was born 1 week before Joseph.  We had a nice time at the zoo, Clara and her brother JJ got to see a lot more than Joseph since he fell asleep 5 minutes after arriving.

May 15, 2012

Joseph's 5 month doctors appointment...

and he wanted to show off his work out moves..... I guess him watching his mom, dad and aunt do P90X everyday this week is giving him ideas

He is doing well, the doctor was very impressed by him.  He eats well with a spoon and she gave the okay to introduce chicken next month...puree'd of course.  He also realized that the doctor gives out shots because as soon as she walked in he was not happy.  He didn't do that last month.  He associates her with pain and was not happy....

May 14, 2012

My 1st Mother's Day

For my 1st Mother's Day,  I celebrated with my mom, sister, Jackie and Angie at a very nice brunch and then back at the house with my mother and father-in-law to continue the celebration
 It was a very nice day and I got very nice presents.  

 Here's was the best present... my little man sat in a restaurant high chair for the 1st time
I think he was surprised as well LOL

May 12, 2012

Help Joseph in raising money for Autism...

Every year Susy and the Staff of Itsy Bitsy participate in the fight of Autism.  
The state of NJ is one of the states with the most autistic kids and boys are affected the most.

Itsy Bitsy is walking for Thomas....  (Miss Mary's 5 year old grandson) and Joseph is helping us in raising money and Walking (well... actually strolling!)

Please support Joseph as he helps his friend Thomas Reilly and other kids with Autism,
If you would like to donate click on the link below

It's my 1st Mother's Day.... I am blessed to have such a wonderful baby.  I wish all the mother's out there a wonderful day and I hope you are as blessed and happy as I am

May 11, 2012

Joseph on his JUMPAROO

Joseph's aunt Michele got him this awesome gift.... He loves it. 
 He's a little short so we had to place a box under it so he could jump.... but he doesn't mind at all

May 7, 2012

Fighting with carrots... could you tell who won!!!

Joseph loves his food, eating it and wearing it

May 4, 2012

Too much fun....

Joseph loves his activity toy and after his bath he always gets to play for a couple minutes before bedtime....  well sometimes he doesn't get to play cause he falls asleep as soon as I put him in it.