Jul 30, 2012

Joseph's Photoshoot at Lambert's Castle

So my little ham, had a photoshoot with Kristina this past week.  He just LOVES the camera.  I personally think, he thinks he is a movie star. 

Jul 26, 2012

The Cuban attire

When you eat at a Cuban restaurant, you must wear your best Cuban attire... 

He loves taking pictures

Look at the classic Joe smile

Jul 25, 2012

A "Poopie Mess"

Mr. Joseph decided to surprise me with his 1st poop explosion.  I was luck that Susy was over and helped since it was a real mess.   Everything he was wearing needed to get thrown out. 

Jul 12, 2012

Hello...who's calling

Not sure who called Joseph from his Fisher Price phone
 but whoever it was he was happy to hear from them LOL!!!

Jul 9, 2012

New Summer Hat

During Joseph's last doctors visit, the doctor told me that many babies suffer from bad sunburns on their scalps because we automatically assume that hair protects us from the sun.
So since we don't want any burns, we had to find a sun hat that will protect his head, ears etc....
To bad Joseph is not as excited about it as I am!!!

Angie loves her Instagram App!!!

Ever since Angie got her iPad, she loves taking pictures of Joseph using Intagram... She takes great pictures of him

Jul 5, 2012

Look at me.....

Joseph has been dying to stand up, he tries every time he is on the floor and at daycare he watches the other dare-devils and gives it a try as well.     With a little help from mommy (I put him in a squat position) he was able to pull himself up and stood for about 2 seconds before he landed on his bottom.

I had the camera ready for the shot

Jul 1, 2012

He loves the camera!!!

This little guy just sees a camera and smiles....  He's too cute!!!