Dec 24, 2012

Joseph has his own Barney

No he is not spoiled... simply LOVED!!!
Since his daddy loves him so much, Bobby surprised him with his own personal Barney...

Dec 22, 2012

1st and hopefully last hospital visit ever!!!

Poor Joe struggled for over a week with a fever.  
My poor little guy had RSV and had to stay overnight at the hospital.  
He has a little IV and a little baby gown :(

Dec 17, 2012

You think he was scared of Santa????

Joseph is usually not scared of anything.. EXCEPT SANTA.   Little did he know it was his mom in the suit.
Merry Christmas!!!

Dec 16, 2012

Joe meets his cousin...

This past Sunday, Joe got to meet his cousin Bella.   
She is such a cutie and was very nice even though Joseph wasn't. (He poked her in the eye)

Dec 14, 2012

How fast they grow....

Look at how much I grew in 1 year

Dec 12, 2012

What a life...

Resting on his "lazy boy" chair as he watches Barney

Dec 2, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Joseph!!!

Our little man turned 1, unfortunately he had an ear infection and a little cold and did not enjoy his day!!!  Hopefully he will be better for his party this weekend....

 Our 2nd attempt at having him smash the cake...  again no luck, he refuses to get down and dirty