May 26, 2011

Our 12 week visit

Our 12 week visit was awesome... We met with a genetic specialist who went over all the exciting testing they do when you have a baby at 35...

The ultrasound was fun but took a little longer than we planned since the baby was not behaving already... He/She refused to turn around, and show the doctor the neck area (that's the area they look at during this ultrasound). It took moving, coughing, peeing and moving some more to get it to cooperate... And when it finally did, the baby began doing something that looked like the 80's "Running man dance"... I think I have hung out too much with little Felix because the baby is a great dancer.

I only gained 2 additional pounds and the doctor gave me the green light to color my hair... (I was not allowing this baby to meet me with gray hair)

I have to consider myself lucky, in 12 weeks I have only felt tired but no vomiting at all... Yippy!!!