Jun 24, 2011

16 weeks.....

It's insane that 16 weeks have gone by already...
The past 4 weeks have been a little tough since I pee all night and when you have to wake up at 3am to go to work, waking up to pee at 1am is NOT A GOOD THING... I have actually plead with the baby to please stay away from my bladder so I could get another 30 minute of sleep, but it doesn't work. Maybe she/he thinks my bladder is one of those Bounce things at Bounce U...

My making cake days are numbered since getting Felix's 7th birthday cake done was tough.

What is up with the NIGHTMARES.... I have done some research and apparently vivid dreams during pregnancy is normal... Seriously if people could stop killing me and chasing me in my dreams it will be great, I really need to sleep.

Drs appointment went well. The baby's heart beats fast and so far everything looks good... I only gained another 2.8lbs.. Not too bad for eating ice cream and cake :)

Next up:
Our 20 week ultrasound, and yes we are finding out if it's a BOY or GIRL. I can't carry a human for 9 months not knowing what it is!!!