Dec 31, 2011

A visit from my Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Luis

Luis and Vanessa came to visit Joseph from North Carolina

Celebrating New Year's Eve

Joseph rang in the new year sleeping but he was very well dressed, in his baby tux

Dec 25, 2011

Joseph's 1st Christmas

Little Sabrina purchased Joseph 2 little car for Christmas at her school sale

Dec 17, 2011

Joseph on GMA

25 years ago Susy and I were on GMA saying Good Morning America to the nation from the NYC Intrepid Museum.... Keeping family tradition I wanted Joseph to be on GMA as well. So he did it on their "3 Words segment" Hollywood watch out Joseph just made his NATIONAL TV debut.

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Dec 16, 2011

Week 2....

2 amazing weeks have gone by... it's unreal to me how time is flying already. I think the lack of sleep is making time seem fast to me. Joseph is doing well. He is more alert and cuter than ever
The kids met Joseph and he loved him. Sabrina offered to baby sit for Free while Felix said he would only charge $4.00 an hour.

Dec 8, 2011

My First week as a mom....

It's amazing how no matter how many kids you have cared for in your life, when it comes to your own things are a little different.
The 1st week hasn't been too bad:
I never realized what a difference "poop" would make in my life... I freaked out when he didn't poop in 24 hours and rushed him to the doctor after only being home for 1 day.
I admire women who exclusively breastfeed, since breastfeeding is a painful and time consuming thing.
I value sleep a little more than I did before even though I have worked the overnight shift for 11 years of my life.
but most important of all, I learned that I am his world right now, perhaps in a year he will only want to play with dad (since he is the "fun" one) but right now, it's me he needs and it's an amazing feeling.

Dec 4, 2011

What you learn during the 1st 24 hours of motherhood...

So it's 3:40am and Joseph is 1day and 5 hours old... What have I learned in these hours

1. I will never sleep again.

2. I will never have a worry-free night in my life

3. How quickly you learn to put your priorities in order

4. How you become paranoid.... I have checked if he's breathing a million times

5. most important... How you can love a person, whom you have never met, more than anything in the world

Coming Home...

Dec 3, 2011

Meet Joseph Thomas

He is here!!!!!!

Baby Joseph Thomas Epifania knew it was December and decided that it was time to come out.

Our little bundle of joy arrived at 10:49pm on December 2, 2011. He's a little doll. I will post pictures soon but I wanted everyone to know that he is healthy, and perfect in every way.

He was a real trooper, I was 5 hours in labor and pushed for 20 minutes. I couldn't ask for more.

Dec 1, 2011

Welcome December...

Baby Joseph is a good listener already, I asked him to stay put till December and he did. I wanted a December birthday and I am getting it... Now we just sit and wait to see when he decides to come.

on 11/30 (Tuesday) the doctor said I was STILL 2 centimeters and was thinning out but nothing to go crazy about, of course that news made me feel as if this will go on forever which made me have my 2nd meltdown in 9 months. I feel better now and have settled with the thought that if nothing happens between now and 12/15, the inducing process begins.

I have discovered that the worse part of being pregnant is the not having control of when or where you will be when labor begins. With my luck my water will break while shopping at Shoprite. That's what I have always wanted to hear.."CLEAN UP ON AISLE 2" I would die of embarrasement LOL