Dec 1, 2011

Welcome December...

Baby Joseph is a good listener already, I asked him to stay put till December and he did. I wanted a December birthday and I am getting it... Now we just sit and wait to see when he decides to come.

on 11/30 (Tuesday) the doctor said I was STILL 2 centimeters and was thinning out but nothing to go crazy about, of course that news made me feel as if this will go on forever which made me have my 2nd meltdown in 9 months. I feel better now and have settled with the thought that if nothing happens between now and 12/15, the inducing process begins.

I have discovered that the worse part of being pregnant is the not having control of when or where you will be when labor begins. With my luck my water will break while shopping at Shoprite. That's what I have always wanted to hear.."CLEAN UP ON AISLE 2" I would die of embarrasement LOL