Dec 8, 2011

My First week as a mom....

It's amazing how no matter how many kids you have cared for in your life, when it comes to your own things are a little different.
The 1st week hasn't been too bad:
I never realized what a difference "poop" would make in my life... I freaked out when he didn't poop in 24 hours and rushed him to the doctor after only being home for 1 day.
I admire women who exclusively breastfeed, since breastfeeding is a painful and time consuming thing.
I value sleep a little more than I did before even though I have worked the overnight shift for 11 years of my life.
but most important of all, I learned that I am his world right now, perhaps in a year he will only want to play with dad (since he is the "fun" one) but right now, it's me he needs and it's an amazing feeling.