Aug 30, 2011

Our Disney Trip....

So we are back from Disney, we missed an earthquake and a hurricane which was great for us but not for those at home.

We had a blast at Disney, we went to The Magic Kingdom, Universal Studios, Isle of Adventure, relaxed at Vero Beach and then back to Disney since our flight got canceled thanks to Irene.

I did great walking around in 90' heat, the baby was well behaved and didn't give me a hard time. I think he was in shock about being there because he really didn't move around as much and he didn't sit on my bladder. I did get a weird rash-like thing around my ankles, but since it didn't itch or hurt I didn't worry. I later found out from the doctor that it was blood vessels that burst from walking in excessive heat. It's common on overweight folks and since I am carrying around an additional 26 pounds that would put me in that category for sure.

Many people commented on my cute t-shirt... even Mickey Mouse gave it a thumbs up!

Aug 18, 2011

23 Weeks ......

23 Weeks along and only 5 days away from going to Disney. People have called me insane for planning a Disney trip, while pregnant, but I feel great, I love Disney and I want to introduce the baby to the Disney sounds and smell while he is in the womb so it's not a shock to him when he goes for the 1st time.

Felix, Sabrina and Angie are also coming along so it will be a blast. I'll sit, drink water and shop for cute Mickey outfits while they go on rides....

I can't wait to pick up this hat at the Magic Kingdom. He'll be wearing this one as soon as he pops out!!!!

Coming up: When we return for Orlando, I have my gestational diabetes test, only 9 weeks of waking up at 3am to go to work left, planning the shower, and picking out furniture!!!

Aug 13, 2011

We went shopping....

buy buy BABY

Well sort of... We registered for the million baby items we will be needing.

It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be since I had previously gone with Angie and my mom to look at stuff. Angie was great, she took a notebook and wrote down everything I liked by section, so when Bobby and I went it was easy. We walked up to the section, and scanned...

Bobby was a bit shocked at the cost of some items, hey babies are not cheap.

If you would like to take a peek or purchase an item before it's gone go to


We registered at both and it's under Maria Epifania

We are also registered at El Bambi (West New York, NJ) I did that for mom's friend who don't drive. All the knitted fancy outfits are there. God forbid I don't bring him home in an outfit MADE IN SPAIN...

Enjoy!!! The shower is October 15th so shop early LOL!!!

Aug 6, 2011

What are people thinking...

While searching on the internet for baby shower cakes, I came across some weird cakes. Why would anyone want this it's beyond me.

Seriouly... who would eat the piece of cake with a buttercream women pushing a baby!

The Cooked baby cake!

Good thing I decided to design my own cake because these are insane