Aug 18, 2011

23 Weeks ......

23 Weeks along and only 5 days away from going to Disney. People have called me insane for planning a Disney trip, while pregnant, but I feel great, I love Disney and I want to introduce the baby to the Disney sounds and smell while he is in the womb so it's not a shock to him when he goes for the 1st time.

Felix, Sabrina and Angie are also coming along so it will be a blast. I'll sit, drink water and shop for cute Mickey outfits while they go on rides....

I can't wait to pick up this hat at the Magic Kingdom. He'll be wearing this one as soon as he pops out!!!!

Coming up: When we return for Orlando, I have my gestational diabetes test, only 9 weeks of waking up at 3am to go to work left, planning the shower, and picking out furniture!!!