Sep 30, 2011

What to do when you have no power for 12 hours...


Yesterday was a fun day, those who know me well know that I get extremely anxious when there is no power, for some reason that is when I need TV the most. No TV, Internet, lights etc... drives me insane and being pregnant added more drama.

Bobby and I decided to go to the mall and we killed a couple hours before I had to go to bed so that helped a lot. I just LOVE electricity!!!

UPDATE: on 30 week dr visit...

So my uterus is measurring 2cm more than it should, but we all suspect that I will be giving birth to a toddler so I am not shocked, my sciatic nerve is just ruining me, but again part of the package so I have to deal. I have to say, I thank God for giving me my personality. I take it as it comes and can't complain cause there is nothing I could do.

Everything looks great, she said the baby sounds great and now it's all about getting fatter and bigger. Oh I got my very 1st FLU shot ever... I didn't want it but being sick would be worse so I gave in

I have decided that I have too much work to leave in October so my new last day of work in November 4th. As much as I hate waking up at 3am, I just don't want to rush my work.

Next Up, shopping for a dress for the shower with Susy, can't wait for that... LOL!!!

Sep 28, 2011

Oh do babies cost money....

So after hours of research and debating back and forth we decided to collect the baby's cord blood and store it for 25 years. After 25 years, I hope he has chosen the right career path and could afford to continue storing it at his own cost.

I asked the poor women a million questions but I guess it's only normal when you are spending money on blood in a bag right....

They are kind enough to set up a little registry so if any of you kind people out there want to give a cool baby shower gift visit the site and contribute to our banking!!!

Maria Epifania

Sep 22, 2011

Week 29...

11 weeks to go but who's' counting.... I was going to wait and post next week since next week is WEEK 30, but the cramping in my calves was no bad last night that I had to share my pain with you.

What is up with the cramping, it's to the point I shake from the pain. If labor is as bad as the leg cramps, I want the Epidural before I get to the hospital, perhaps Susy could work on getting the anesthesiologist to the house.

I will admit, ever since the third trimester began things have been a little tougher, but I can't complain

1. 3-4 hours of sleep is the max, since I am so uncomfortable
2. Eating a full meal is harder than before, I guess there is less room in there
3. I miss my flip flops, since I can't bend to tie my shoes
4. Even though I am eating less, the scale has jumped up big time
5. The baby moves around and makes my belly move into odd shapes
6. He gets hiccups at least once a day (ANGIE he's like you lol)
7. I pee more often now, especially when a little someone decides to camp out on my bladder
8. My Belly button is totally popped out, VERY ODD
9. Getting up from the couch requires assistance at times
10. It's sad to say that the sciatic pain is so bad, I am actually getting use to it

Upcoming... The shower is only 23 days away (we still have tons to do), Dr appointment on 9/27
and only another 5/6 weeks of work left :)

Sep 20, 2011

I love this....

I wish they would have this everywhere

Sep 8, 2011

Welcome to the THIRD Trimester.....

Oh my, there is nothing more nerve wrecking than getting an email from THE saying Welcome to your Third Trimester.... The LAST ONE.

I am so glad that I have felt great from day 1... so good that I would do this again 10 times (JUST KIDDING) 1 other time and then the Epifania Baby Factory is CLOSED.

The baby is a total morning person, I think CNBC could hire him to cover me on the overnight shift, he wakes up around 3:15-3:20 every morning even Saturday and Sundays, good thing Sleep is not my thing.

Week Twenty Seven:

Eyes can open

The fetus weighs almost 2 pounds now and is about 14.5 inches long.

The head is over 2.5 inches (7cm) in diameter.

Your baby's hearing continues to develop.

The eyes can blink, open and close.

You have made it 2/3 of the way through.

Baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes and hair is growing everyday.

The muscle tone is improving and his or her body is getting plumper.

Your little one's brain continues its rapid growth.

Sep 1, 2011

25 week update

So after some yummy treats at Disney I was a bit nervous about having a glucose test on 8/31 but everything is fine.... No gestational diabetes for me. The baby is growing at a perfect rate and he is moving around like a true champ.

They gave me all the pre-admission hospital papers and we spoke about the EPIDURAL.....

Next appointment is not for another 4 weeks, then we go down to every 2 weeks which only means it's getting closer.

The shower is next month, invitations went out and we are getting many RSVP cards...