Sep 22, 2011

Week 29...

11 weeks to go but who's' counting.... I was going to wait and post next week since next week is WEEK 30, but the cramping in my calves was no bad last night that I had to share my pain with you.

What is up with the cramping, it's to the point I shake from the pain. If labor is as bad as the leg cramps, I want the Epidural before I get to the hospital, perhaps Susy could work on getting the anesthesiologist to the house.

I will admit, ever since the third trimester began things have been a little tougher, but I can't complain

1. 3-4 hours of sleep is the max, since I am so uncomfortable
2. Eating a full meal is harder than before, I guess there is less room in there
3. I miss my flip flops, since I can't bend to tie my shoes
4. Even though I am eating less, the scale has jumped up big time
5. The baby moves around and makes my belly move into odd shapes
6. He gets hiccups at least once a day (ANGIE he's like you lol)
7. I pee more often now, especially when a little someone decides to camp out on my bladder
8. My Belly button is totally popped out, VERY ODD
9. Getting up from the couch requires assistance at times
10. It's sad to say that the sciatic pain is so bad, I am actually getting use to it

Upcoming... The shower is only 23 days away (we still have tons to do), Dr appointment on 9/27
and only another 5/6 weeks of work left :)