Nov 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Little Sabrina and Angie helped make this "unique" thanksgiving card... using a very unusual canvas!

Nov 22, 2011

16 days...

So the Braxton Hicks contractions began... I was a little freaked out but after reading in my book that these start as early as 29 weeks for some women I relaxed. They are not painful just a little odd. I actually feel bad for the baby, he must think he's in some type of compression machine.

My stomach gets soooo tight and hard that I can't move. My sciatic nerve is still killing me but the nice insurance nurse said that pain won't go away now till after the baby makes his debut, even a week or 2 after since my hips and pelvis need to go back to place for the nerve pressure to stop. Fun right

Nov 17, 2011

The final days.... Im turning into a Lion.....BEWARE LOL!!!

So in April, I thought December would take forever to get here and now I look at the countdown baby on the right of this page and get freaked out. There are a few days left and it's unreal to me.

I its finally hitting me that this little guy is mine forever.. I didn't think it would have till I meet him face to face but it's odd, what the final stage of pregnancy does... I have always been very over-protective of my family but now I'm in super protective mode.

Before I would skim the instructions of an item or the page of a book, now I am reading it 2 and 3 times to make sure I am doing this right. I freak out when I see commercials that say holding a baby could give them whooping cough, and have thought of every shot I could get so I don't spread disease...

I feel bad for the families that day he is born, I feel as if I will be like a lion with her new cub, I had to laugh to myself the other night as I sat on the sofa rehearsing my speech for people who have colds or even the sniffles and want to see the baby.

I have realized that having a baby changes everything... Not only how you sleep, or how long it takes you to get out of the house, but how you think, react to things and how you BECOME YOUR OWN MOTHER... without even realizing it. God help us all LOL!!!

Nov 13, 2011

And now the insomnia begins....

So every one tells you "sleep before the baby comes because you won't be sleeping when he arrives"

Well either they just want you to pass that message to the dad (who is soundly sleeping as I type) or are simply saying that to start conversation because.....
There is no such thing as SLEEP WHEN PREGNANT.....

If I'm not dreaming about a pack of wolves trying to break into my house, I'm dreaming of my superintendent killing me in the parking lot.

Now I'm at a point where I go to bed at 11pm and its 1:50am posting on my blog. If I would have known this I would have continued working. Atleast working would have kept me busy and not awake on my couch thinking of the stupidest things in the dark.

I'm tried of counting sheep, of going through my To do list in my head, and of doing random searches on Google.

I have loved carrying my little butterball around for all these months but the lack of sleep is getting to me...

Nov 8, 2011

35 week and 5 days check up

Doctor Tuesday.... So today was a bit uncomfortable, 1st internal exam in months.
I saw Dr Bewtra which Bobby liked and she was very informative. She looked at the growth scan and she said the baby was in the 65 percentile, which is ok, but she also said that that scan could be off 20% which adds up to 1.3 pounds in either direction.
We were told he was 6.2 pounds on Nov 1 on the scan but if it's off by 1.3 we could be looking at 7 lbs 5oz or 4 pounds 15 oz (which I doubt) right now. She said he could be 8 pounds which is normal or 10 pounds but she agrees with the other doctors to let me go and see what happens.
Not that I am totally against inductions or c-sections but why do something un-natural. I keep saying it and I will go with this till the end, if he is happy, keep him in. I don't care being uncomfortable, I just don't want him out because people think he is fat... I am standing up and defending all the fat babies in America
She also said I was 2 centimeters dilated, I had a 2 second panic but then she said, I could be that for weeks. I called my mom and she said she was dilated for weeks before I was born and I remember Sabrina also being dilated for weeks before Baby Sabrina arrived. So the panic ended fast. My mom said that being dilated without even knowing is a good thing cause i could go into labor and by the time I go to the hospital it's almost pushing time...
I guess that is a good thing unless you miss the window for the epidural and then you better welcome the pain..
I guess it's all about waiting. I still have my heart set on December 12 but I'll settle for December 5th (that's Bobby's day).
I am sitting on the coach and holding him hostage!!!

Nov 4, 2011

Putting things together....

Bobby took some time off to get the baby items built and ready. We are waiting for the furniture to arrive but that won't be for another couple weeks.
We got the Mamaroo built and ready and the stroller which took some time to getting use to..

CNBC see you in May....

So I had my little CNBC baby shower, which was very nice, I got great gifts and a beautiful cake.
It's going to be hard not to go to work but I am sure I'll get use to it and when May rolls around I will dread going back.
I am hoping the baby realizes that I am now home awaiting his arrival and doesn't wake up at 4:30am looking for his daily banana... I need some sleep before he arrives.

Nov 1, 2011

Nov 1... The Weight Ultrasound

So the day came to find out how big is the little man.... I had a strong feeling he wasn't as big as everyone claims he is and I was right. He is 6.2 pounds... NOW that doesn't mean we are not looking at a 9 pounder in December but I knew there was no way I would have a 10-11 pound baby.
Everything looks great, he is happy in his little water pool and is right on track. Now we wait and begin the weekly visits and the "great" internal check-up