Nov 17, 2011

The final days.... Im turning into a Lion.....BEWARE LOL!!!

So in April, I thought December would take forever to get here and now I look at the countdown baby on the right of this page and get freaked out. There are a few days left and it's unreal to me.

I its finally hitting me that this little guy is mine forever.. I didn't think it would have till I meet him face to face but it's odd, what the final stage of pregnancy does... I have always been very over-protective of my family but now I'm in super protective mode.

Before I would skim the instructions of an item or the page of a book, now I am reading it 2 and 3 times to make sure I am doing this right. I freak out when I see commercials that say holding a baby could give them whooping cough, and have thought of every shot I could get so I don't spread disease...

I feel bad for the families that day he is born, I feel as if I will be like a lion with her new cub, I had to laugh to myself the other night as I sat on the sofa rehearsing my speech for people who have colds or even the sniffles and want to see the baby.

I have realized that having a baby changes everything... Not only how you sleep, or how long it takes you to get out of the house, but how you think, react to things and how you BECOME YOUR OWN MOTHER... without even realizing it. God help us all LOL!!!