Nov 13, 2011

And now the insomnia begins....

So every one tells you "sleep before the baby comes because you won't be sleeping when he arrives"

Well either they just want you to pass that message to the dad (who is soundly sleeping as I type) or are simply saying that to start conversation because.....
There is no such thing as SLEEP WHEN PREGNANT.....

If I'm not dreaming about a pack of wolves trying to break into my house, I'm dreaming of my superintendent killing me in the parking lot.

Now I'm at a point where I go to bed at 11pm and its 1:50am posting on my blog. If I would have known this I would have continued working. Atleast working would have kept me busy and not awake on my couch thinking of the stupidest things in the dark.

I'm tried of counting sheep, of going through my To do list in my head, and of doing random searches on Google.

I have loved carrying my little butterball around for all these months but the lack of sleep is getting to me...