Jul 29, 2011

Stollers, strollers and more strollers

What happened to the days when strollers cost $100 and were just 1 seat... We went to El Bambi today since they were the only store in the area that actually carries every stroller known to man in stock to test out. I couldn't register for a Stroller without playing with it 1st and without carrying it to see the weight.

When strollers cost over $600 I want to make sure I get something that will last for 2 kids and that will be comfortable to push.

I found 2 that I really like, The Peg Perego Skate and the Uppa Vista. They both have the regular seat, bassinet & car seat adaptor. They also both sell jumper seats for the older child to sit when another baby comes along.

It's crazy to me that El Bambi is still around, being that my mom use to buy my clothing there as a kid, but it is and they have the best baby layettes.. I already saw the outfit I want to take the baby home in from the hospital and I also saw the nicest christening gown for a boy. (Good thing Susy will be paying for that one LOL)...

Next up... going to Buy Buy baby to check things out before the "real" registering day...

Jul 28, 2011

Week 20 Doctors Visit

Update on the 20 week doctors appointment...

Well best news of the day, Dr Patrusky said she was happy with my weight gain. I gained a little more than the previous months but that's because I have been celebrating birthdays since June 8th till now. Can't say no to cake.

My swollen feet are here to stay and she said they might swell even in December, it's part of the package. My BP was good and the baby's heart beat is strong and beating. She said all the results of the Anatomy scan are great and so far the baby is in great shape.

I got my follow up scan scheduled... here they will do a sonogram in November to see where the baby is at weight wise, being that I was a HUGE baby we want to make sure the baby is not too big.

The next appointment is a fun one... I need to be at the dr. office at 8am, drink a sugary punch and wait an hour to see how my sugar levels are. if I pass, great if I fail then we do more testing.
I decided to do it after our Disney trip because I didn't want to be stressing about it while relaxing at Vero Beach.

Jul 27, 2011

Seriously.... this is not the way to serve ice cream

So one of my favorite things is McDonald's ice cream, I gave up the Sausage Egg McMuffins due to the sodium, so I thought the 90 degree weather days call for some creamy vanilla ice cream... WELL this is what I get from the Little Ferry McDonald's. Angie thought I was going to kill the guy in the drive thru... Seriously people this is NOT the way you serve ice cream to a pregnant women...

This baby better like football!!!

Bobby got a little excited shopping for the baby... All I say is the baby better "BE READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL" because he already has plenty of OU and Giant outfits

and I thought I would be able to dress him in some little lamb or duckie outfits... I guess not LOL!

Jul 25, 2011

Now that we know....

So last night was a tough night for me... I am thrilled about having a baby in general and knowing that it's a boy is even greater. Angie is thrilled she didn't lose her "queen" status, but poor little Sabrina took the baby boy news hard... She had her heart set on a girl. So I guess I need to write the stork a letter for the next baby (whenever that may be) and tell it to please send us a girl so she could have a friend..

Anxiety did kick in... I began to think how boys go from Tonka trucks, to sports, to friends, then GIRLS.... It's a long way coming but I'm not ready for the little girlfriends LOL..

I think I am going to have some long conversations with my friends Marlene and Leslie and see how they have coped with sons... Their boys have turned out to be great kids so ladies, I'll be calling you for advice.

For now let the baby blue shopping begin!!!

Jul 24, 2011

Gender Revelation Party.... It's a ____???

Watch the video to find out what the baby is.......

Jul 23, 2011

How would they explain this to a judge...

So on Saturday the only people who knew the sex of the baby were the bakers and employees at Miller's Bakery in Cliffside Park.

Susy and Jackie happen to be out that night and drove by the bakery, realizing that the paper with the sex of the baby was inside the bakery....

This is the pic I got at midnight, as they faked breaking into Millers...

Jul 22, 2011

20 Week update...

The half way mark is here... Only 20 more weeks, which feels far away but it's really not.

The 20 week Ultrasound went well, it was a long one but it was well worth it. Everything looks great. The baby is 15 oz. and developing right on schedule. We were able to get the sex of the baby written on a paper and took it to the bakery.

Upcoming events....

We prepare for the gender revelation, our next dr appointment, registering for gifts and our trip to Disney with Little Felix, Sabrina and Angie... I'm looking forward to that!

Here's a picture of the baby at 20 weeks.. I think it has my "stuck up" nose!

Jul 18, 2011

Look who I found on Thebump.com

So while doing my daily search on Thebump.com, I came across this advertisement for Itsy Bitsy...

Seems as if Susy is moving up in the world since she gets to advertise in high end sites.... Wait till the "NEW" baby that will begin daycare in April 2012 arrives... Itsy Bitsy is going to be the BEST DAYCARE in NJ http://pregnancyresources.thebump.com/bump_vendorresults.html?category=XBM&market=073

We'll soon find out.....If it's a BOY or a GIRL

Sunday is only a couple days away so the mystery and semi-controversy will end. We will know if what will greet our family is a baseball player or a ballerina.
The Cake:
For those who don't know the Gender cake thing, allow me to tell... On Friday, we go for the 20 week ultrasound, at this appointment the tech will write down the sex of the baby and seal it in an envelope. We will go to the bakery and order a custom cake which will be baked in PINK or BLUE.

On Sunday, both our familyies will join us as we cut the cake and find out what's inside my belly... If the cake is PINK then it's a GIRL, if BLUE then BOY...

This will be video taped and posted on the blog by 6pm for all of you to enjoy and find out the sex of the baby the same way we did. ENJOY!!!

Jul 17, 2011

Watch my baby when I eat ice cream...

I know it's hard to believe but the other day I went to Wendy's to get my mom lunch, the baby had not moved all day.. I ordered my mom's salad and nothing BUT as soon as I said a Small Vanilla Frosty the baby began to dance... She/he seems to LOVE ice cream LOL!!!

Jul 14, 2011

Peeing every 20 mins. is not an Option today!!!

What makes up for not having a working bathrooms... FREE FOOD IN THE CAFE ALL DAY LONG... It's great being pregnant during a Water main break!!! Water Main Break Sends CNBC Staffers Home
A water main break in Englewood Cliffs, NJ has meant an early day for many CNBC and other NBCU staffers. CNBC, part of a two-building campus in the Northern New Jersey town, has evacuated non-essential employees. We’re told staffers are being shuttled to another location to use the bathroom

Jul 8, 2011

Thank goodness for Destination Maternity...

I keep saying that if I continue gaining weight I will have to ask my mom to make me ones of these, but seriously could these dresses be any uglier....

Why do they all have little neck bows LOL

Jul 5, 2011

Thank you, Roy Kroc (founder of McDonald's)

I just LOVE McDonald's Sausage Egg Mcmuffins....
In the past 17 weeks I can't say I have had any cravings but there is something about the Sausage Egg Mcmuffin that makes me smile, I wish McDonald's would serve them 24 hours....

Jul 4, 2011

July 24th is not coming soon enough...

On July 22 we find out if the baby is a Boy or a GIRL.... BUT we are not finding out from the ultrasound tech... we are having a Gender Revelation party where we will all find out the sex of the baby by cutting a cake which will be PINK or BLUE... Stay tuned...