Jul 25, 2011

Now that we know....

So last night was a tough night for me... I am thrilled about having a baby in general and knowing that it's a boy is even greater. Angie is thrilled she didn't lose her "queen" status, but poor little Sabrina took the baby boy news hard... She had her heart set on a girl. So I guess I need to write the stork a letter for the next baby (whenever that may be) and tell it to please send us a girl so she could have a friend..

Anxiety did kick in... I began to think how boys go from Tonka trucks, to sports, to friends, then GIRLS.... It's a long way coming but I'm not ready for the little girlfriends LOL..

I think I am going to have some long conversations with my friends Marlene and Leslie and see how they have coped with sons... Their boys have turned out to be great kids so ladies, I'll be calling you for advice.

For now let the baby blue shopping begin!!!