Jul 28, 2011

Week 20 Doctors Visit

Update on the 20 week doctors appointment...

Well best news of the day, Dr Patrusky said she was happy with my weight gain. I gained a little more than the previous months but that's because I have been celebrating birthdays since June 8th till now. Can't say no to cake.

My swollen feet are here to stay and she said they might swell even in December, it's part of the package. My BP was good and the baby's heart beat is strong and beating. She said all the results of the Anatomy scan are great and so far the baby is in great shape.

I got my follow up scan scheduled... here they will do a sonogram in November to see where the baby is at weight wise, being that I was a HUGE baby we want to make sure the baby is not too big.

The next appointment is a fun one... I need to be at the dr. office at 8am, drink a sugary punch and wait an hour to see how my sugar levels are. if I pass, great if I fail then we do more testing.
I decided to do it after our Disney trip because I didn't want to be stressing about it while relaxing at Vero Beach.