Jul 18, 2011

We'll soon find out.....If it's a BOY or a GIRL

Sunday is only a couple days away so the mystery and semi-controversy will end. We will know if what will greet our family is a baseball player or a ballerina.
The Cake:
For those who don't know the Gender cake thing, allow me to tell... On Friday, we go for the 20 week ultrasound, at this appointment the tech will write down the sex of the baby and seal it in an envelope. We will go to the bakery and order a custom cake which will be baked in PINK or BLUE.

On Sunday, both our familyies will join us as we cut the cake and find out what's inside my belly... If the cake is PINK then it's a GIRL, if BLUE then BOY...

This will be video taped and posted on the blog by 6pm for all of you to enjoy and find out the sex of the baby the same way we did. ENJOY!!!